The Second Half of Life: How to Master the Midlife Crisis

Photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees

Life is a journey of ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys. Yet, it’s during the midlife phase, often around the age of 40, that men can find themselves in a particularly dense fog of questioning and self-doubt. The term ‘midlife crisis’ might seem clichéd, steeped in images of sports cars and impulsive career decisions. But the essence of this period goes much deeper, prompting a profound inward exploration. Richard Rohr, in his insightful book “Falling Upward,” frames this life stage as an opportunity for...

Unlocking Deeper Connections with The Dad Edge Podcast: “25 Intimate Conversation Starters”

“Hey, honey. How was your day?” “Good… busy… how was yours?” “Yeah, same. Good. …” ” … “ “Cool… hey, what’s for dinner tonight?” ” … “ Does this feel familiar? For many of us, connecting with our wives seems like it should be easy but the reality is it’s anything but. If you’re here you probably want a deep, authentic, emotionally-connected relationship with your wife but you may not even know where to begin. Be honest – on a scale of 1 to...